Sunday, May 3, 2020

Blog #6: Advice for Self-Isolation

The Latino USA podcast I decided to listen to was "Hola Papi's Advice for Life in Self-Isolation", hosted by Maria Hinojosa.  The guest speaker for the podcast was author John Paul Brammer who writes the advice column known as "Hola Papi."  I learned some good tips on how to get  through this time as everyone is quarantining. One piece of advice was to let yourself heal during this time I liked how the podcast was about something that was relatable to me and everyone else, which is COVID-19.
John Paul Brammer Latest Articles | them.
Picture of John Paul Brammer
I found a PDF that discussed tips for social distancing, and also gave a lot of information about the virus.  It addresses things like loneliness and anxiety that a lot of people are probably feeling during this time and gives advice on how to do with these things.  It also encourages the reader to become more educated about this deadly outbreak.  This relates to the podcast because advice was given in this PDF as well.
April 25 coronavirus news - CNN
I enjoyed the podcast, it was very helpful and I can use this as I practice social distancing.  I'd recommend it to everyone who is curious about how to deal with quarantine.  Also, I think it'd be helpful for anyone struggling emotionally and are looking for advice.

Works Cited

“Hola Papi's Advice For Life In Self-Isolation.” Latino USA, 21 Apr. 2020,

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