Sunday, February 9, 2020

Death of a Blood Sport

     For this assignment, I learned about the current state of cockfighting in Latin America, specifically Puerto Rico.  The radio program is Latino USA, and the host is Maria Hinojosa.  Cockfighting, by definition, is the sport of setting two gamecocks to fight each other.  This brutal practice is illegal in many countries.  I liked the information given about this topic, however I don't like the sport as a whole and I'm glad it's illegal in several countries.
Cockfight about to start.  Source: Latino USA
     I found a great article that goes more into depth about this gruesome sport.  The article talks about how the roosters' fighting instincts are enhanced through training, steroids, vitamins, etc.  Roosters often wear knives or other weapons once in the ring to inflict maximum damage.  I selected this article to read because I wanted to learn more about cockfighting and it relates directly to the podcast.
Small weapon attached to the rooster before a fight. Source:

     Overall, I learned about how gruesome of a practice this is, and why so many organizations like PETA are outraged about this.  This is a very cruel punishment for the roosters and every time a cockfight occurs, one or both of the roosters die.  This practice needs to be illegal worldwide and people who continue to host cockfights should face severe punishments.

Works Cited

“Cockfighting.” ASPCA,

“Death Of A Blood Sport.” Latino USA, 22 Jan. 2020,

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I really liked reading your blog. I like the way its structured and the overall look is very nice. I also like that you gave your personal thoughts on cockfighting and I agree that more places need to make it illegal.
    What sort of actions do you think would need to be taken to prevent cockfighting as much as possible? Do you think it will be difficult to get more people to stop?
    Overall, your post is really good and covers the basic information about the topic, though I would suggest that you make the paragraphs just a bit longer as I noticed some were just a sentence or two short and just a bit more detail would be helpful.
